Cold Cases ... Just the Facts!
The term Cold Case is widely used when a homicide investigation remains unsolved after an extended period of time.
The Merriam – Webster definition of a cold case is as follows: An unsolved criminal investigation (as of a homicide or abduction) that has stopped being actively pursued because of a lack of evidence.
The Facts of Cold Cases and Missing Persons
A cold case remains in a theoretical “closed” status until new evidence or leads are uncovered. Local law enforcement regularly is encumbered with current crime and real time emergency needs in a given community. Once a case has gone cold from a time perspective, there is little that an overworked and understaffed agency can do without passively receiving additional information and/or evidence.
Eagle's Approach
At Eagle Investigative Services, we believe a Cold Case or "Unresolved Case" requires a proactive re-examination or investigative analysis of all existing facts and evidence in order to develop new leads or information collection opportunities to answer the case unknowns and benefit a case’s chance for resolution.
Ready to get invovled?
If you would like to learn investigative analysis skills to examine cold & missing person cases to support Law Enforcement and the families of Victims to this growing national problem please check out our available Cold Case Examiner training.
Need Help or ready to find out more?
The Eagle Cold Case and Missing Person Institute (ECC&MPI) is here to facilitate the clearing of unresolved homicides and find missing persons. To education and train government agencies and society on the real time and historical statistical information concerning unresolved homicides and missing persons. To provide advocacy services to family and friends of victims.